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End trip: Chiang Khong

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Biscover the Northern of Thailand with the  limestone waterfall called Buatong waterfall or known as Chiang Mai Sticky Waterfall, Elephant Sanctuary program for your to be closer to the big gentle elephant friends. Chiang Dao Cave where Burmese soldiers rested their troops on their way to Chiang Mai. The Long necked Village with the Padong Karen tribe women who wearing spiraling brass rings around their necks. Golden Triangle the famous area of opium trading in the old days. Black House with a collection of art and the balance of Yin and Yang in the Chinese Philosophy. The White Temple the most remarkable temple in white color with the elaborate Thai art.


Itinerary in Details



Visit Chiang mai Bautong Sticky waterfall for you to enjoy walking and climbing the Chiangmai Sticky Waterfall  from below to the top. Due to the waterfall is from natural lime stone so you could walk and climb easily to the top and enjoy with the clear water of the waterfall to cool down. Then visit Den Sali Sri Muang GanTemple the teak wood temple with the beautiful Thai architecture and the stunning sculpture which related to the elephant guardians heading for Elephant Sanctuary in Mae Tang area which takes about an hour. Upon arrival at the camp meet the chief elephant trainer who will brief us on basic elephant handling. After changing into provided clothing, be instructed on preparation of elephant food and supplements. Once the food is prepared, then meet the elephants and feed them. You will be given some information on approaching and befriending the gentle GIANTS. After that walk along side by side with your elephants to the forest and take them for fresh grass in the field up the hill. When you reach the river, it is time for you to bath your elephants (be prepared to get wet!) After the elephant bathing, thank your elephants before saying good bye. Then stop by Long-neck Hill Tribe who immigrated from Khaya State in Myanmar. The ladies in this village wear spiraling brass rings around thier necks, weighing up to 5 kilograms / 11 pounds, as a sign of beauty. After that heading to Chiang Dao and spend overnight. Overnight at Chiang Dao : Buraphat resort, Chiang Dao.
Meals  : -- / Lunch / --  


The morning visit Chiang Dao Cave where once the Burmese sodier rested their troops before attacking Chiang Mai in the old days. Inside the cave, you could see the Buddha images in Burmese style as well as the beautiful stalagmites and stalagtites in different shapes and forms for your to use your imagiantion what they look like. After exploring the cave, heading north to Thaton, the smal town as the border of Chiang Mai, Thailand and Myanmar border. Visit Thaton Temple located on the top of the hill which offers a magnificent view of Thaton town and the Kok River. Lunch in the local restuarant. 
Continue the road and visit the beautiful palace called " Doi Tung Royal Villa" of the Princess Mother of King Ramam 9th who spent her time to looked after and developped the hilltribes life. Enjoy the lovely garden and  the Continuety statue in the middle of the colorful flower gardens with more varieties of flowers. Then heading to Mae Sai, the border of Thailand and Myanmar which is one of the commercial trading points. Chinese products are available to purchase if interested. Passing the view point where you could see " Khun Nam Nang Non " or " Doi Nang Non " the sleeping lady mountain where the big news of the survivors of the 13 boys from the football team were rescued. The mountain which is the border between Thaland and Myanmar border before reaching The Golden Triangle where the  border of the 3 countries meet : Thailand - Laos - Myanmar. The place was once the opium trading area. Enjoy taking pictures from the balcony of Phu Khao Temple overlooking the Mae Khong River before check in the hotel. Overnight at Golden Triangle  :  Imperial Golden Triangle.
Meals   Breakfast / Lunch / --


Morning visit to Sky walk view over the Khong River with the panoramic view. Then continue to Black Museum (Ban Dum) A black house with a large collection of art established by Mr.Tawan Datchanee, one of the great artists of Thailand. Walk around and observe wood carvings, silver, sculptures and paintings within 40 buildings on the property. Lunch in the local restaurant and visit Blue temple, one of the famous site in blue decorated in all of the temple area to represent the Lord Buddha teaching that spered out to many diffferent places in the world as well as the blue sky which covers the world. After that go to Singha Park where you could see Tea plantation with the fresh atmosphere also if you prefer to taste some tea and buy some good quality tea home. Then visit White Temple (Wat Rong Khun) This unique white temple in Chiang Rai, Thailand signifies purity of the heart. The mural is painted in contemporary style by Mr.Chalermchai Kositpipat who devotes his whole life to work on the temple. 
Due to the long drive to Chiang Mai, have a stop at Mae Khachan Hot Spring Experience foot soaking in the warm pool  which is believed to be a great healing for skin and joints. There is a separate pool which is so hot that you can even boil eggs and continue the road back to Chiang Mai. Overnight at Chiang Mai  : On your own
Meals  : Breakfast / Lunch / --

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