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The weather and climate of the Philippines are very complicated and mixed with tropical and maritime. It is characterized by relatively high temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. It is similar in many respects to the climate of the countries of Central America. Temperature, humidity, and rainfall, which are discussed hereunder, are the most important elements of the country's weather and climate.

weather, climate of philippines
In short, you can understand as:
- Annual temperature is 26.6o C.
- The coolest months fall in January with a mean temperature of 25.5oC.

- Philippines has a high relative humidity.
- Between 71 percent in March and 85 percent in September.
- During March to May, when temperature and humidity attain their maximum levels.

The anual rainfall of the Philippines varies from 965 to 4,064 millimeters annually. 
The Seasons
1- The rainy season, from June to November;
2- The dry season, from December to May. The dry season may be subdivided further into (a) the cool dry season, from December to February; and (b) the hot dry season, from March to May.
Climate Types
Based on the distribution of rainfall, four climate types are recognized, which are described as follows:

Typhoons have a great influence on the climate and weather conditions of the Philippines. A great portion of the rainfall, humidity and cloudiness are due to the influence of typhoons. They generally originate in the region of the Marianas and Caroline Islands of the Pacific Ocean which have the same latitudinal location as Mindanao. Their movements follow a northwesterly direction, sparing Mindanao from being directly hit by majorty of the typhoons that cross the country. This makes the southern Philippines very desirable for agriculture and industrial development.

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